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Last month, Red Hat announced the availability of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.0 with new features, performance, scalability and cost advantages for customers. To further enable the understanding and adoption of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, Red Hat Services is pleased to announce updates to its virtualization training course and consulting product accelerator service. The new service offerings are intended to help customers and businesses learn and launch Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to optimize deployments and accelerate knowledge transfer.

For experienced Linux system administrators interested in learning how to more efficiently deploy and manage large numbers of servers or virtual machines, Red Hat Training’s Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RH318) course explores critical features of the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.0 suite. Through four days of hands-on training, students learn skills to effectively create, deploy, manage and migrate Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Microsoft Windows virtual machines hosted on dedicated Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor nodes or on Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager. IT professionals and system administrators can earn their Red Hat Certified Virtualization Administrator (RHCVA) certification by successfully completing the RHCVA exam (EX318).

For more information about RH318 or to enroll for a class, please visit https://www.redhat.com/courses/rh318_red_hat_enterprise_virtualization/.

To deliver immediate competencies and increase the time-to-value ratio of installing and configuring a virtualized environment, Red Hat Consulting’s Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Accelerator Service helps enterprises rapidly deploy virtualization and optimize its performance. This short-term engagement helps customers take advantage of the deep product knowledge and experience of Red Hat consultants, who document the setup and prepare IT staff with the knowledge to manage virtualization independently. Engagements consist of an infrastructure review to provide a viable configuration for virtualization, installation and configuration and knowledge transfer.

For more information about the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Accelerator Service, visit http://www.redhat.com/promo/rhev3/support.html.

For more information about Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization or to download a free, fully supported, 60-day evaluation of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization 3.0, visit www.redhat.com/rhev3.

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