The Event Mesh: A Primer

Quickly and automatically scale with event mesh

An event mesh has a key set of features that supports multiple interaction patterns and reduces complexity for developers of modern applications that implement near real-time loosely coupled design patterns. Serverless deployments, microservices, and the event mesh support an environment where computing resources scale quickly and automatically. But perhaps the most important benefit is that application developers can focus on implementing business logic using the best tools available for the job.

In this e-book, you'll explore:

  • What events are and how Apache Kafka, Knative, and Advanced Message Queueing Protocol [AMQP] are emerging as keys to event-driven microservices.
  • How making use of the volume of events and the information in event streams requires an event-driven architecture (EDA).
  • Walk through event-driven architecture design patterns and capabilities.
  • What event mesh is and how its critical capabilities can improve your organization.
  • Examples of event mesh in practice.

Download the e-book to start your exploration.

Event mesh: A primer

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